Jose Garriga Jr

Jose Garriga Jr

Jose Garriga Jr

"Inspiring others to develop a passion for pursuing the best version of themselves!"

  • Birthday: October 17, 1972
  • Height: 6' 1"
  • Weight: 188 lbs.
  • Diet: Vegetarian (not vegan)
  • Phone/Text: 202.277.1299
  • Email: jose
  • City: Washington, DC
  • Contact me: click here

I have the privilege of inspiring others by living my superhero physique year-round simply being mindful of my body's cellular regeneration process. Before continuing, please acknowledge the disclaimer about Jose's FFR, the elegant source of my nutritional and fitness wisdom, my brain.

Page 1 read by Jose:


Once upon a time, I was fat, miserable...

...and life really sucked!

I went out for a walk and I could clearly feel the 57 extra lbs of energy-zapping visceral fat I had on me, jiggling around my waist. It was icky.

In that moment, the full awareness of being depressed and residing inside a 57 pounds overweight body with shoulder, foot, knee pain and being very unhappy about it set in.

I knew better and had never in my entire life let my body get so off whack. I wanted to be done feeling achy, decrepit, and carrying dozens of extra pounds around for nothing. Was hard to believe that I was living so far removed from how I truly see myself deep within my heart.

I also hated my job at the time. It sucked reporting to a stressful workplace that was cynical, negative, and left me drained and unfulfilled at the end of each and every day.

My life seemed in shambles. It felt worse than it actually was because I was unhappy within my own skin. I had unknowingly let my self-perception, bring out the worst version of my physical experience up to that point. I wasn't quite sure where to start to turn things around, the only thing I was certain of was that I loathed who I had allowed myself to become.

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